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Oracle Developer Studio 12.6 Man Pages

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Updated: June 2017

spot_cmds (1)


spot_cmds - get a list of commands that spot or er_html issued


spot_cmds  [ -t=spot|er_html] [ -usage ]


The spot_cmds command shows the commands issued by spot to the operating system.


If invoked with no arguments, print a usage message.


Select the type of CMDS to report on, either spot or er_html.


Show a usage summary.


This is a highly stylized and edited output example to fit a man page format. The output comprises a count of commands and the commands in order of issue. Each line has an order of issue number followed by the command and the command arguments. An ellipsis (...) below means there was more information on the line in a real output but it has been edited out.


7 commands issued

RR = rank (order of issue)


01:  /usr/sbin/psrinfo  -pv  >  d/spot_run1/psrinfo.html.txt
02: /usr/bin/sh -c "/studio/bin/ripc -r -x -c -o ..."
03: /usr/bin/sh -c "/studio/bin/../lib/compilers/bit collect
-M ..."
04: /studio/bin/collect -n -h on /home/fred/ifoo ...
05: /studio/bin/collect -h on -O d/spot_run1/collect.log  -d
06:      /studio/bin/er_html       -o       d/spot_run1/html
d/spot_run1/test.1.er ...
07: cd d; /studio/bin/spot_diff -q -r;

See Also

analyzer(1), collect(1), er_archive(1), er_cp(1), er_export(1), er_html(1), er_html_cols(1), er_html_columnsD(1), er_mv(1), er_print(1), er_rm(1), er_src(1), spot(1), spot_cmds_timing(1), spot_diff(1)

Oracle Developer Studio 12.6: Performance Analyzer