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Oracle® Developer Studio 12.5: Debugging a Program with dbx

Exit Print View

Updated: June 2016

Examining the Contents of Memory

Using addresses and the examine or x command, you can examine the content of memory locations as well as print the assembly language instruction at each address. Using a command derived from adb(1), the assembly language debugger, you can query for the following:

  • The address, using the = (equal sign) character

  • The contents stored at an address, using the / (slash) character

You can print the assembly commands using the dis command and the listi command.

Using the examine or x Command

Use the examine command, or its alias x, to display memory contents or addresses.

Use the following syntax to display the contents of memory starting at address for count items in format format. The default address is the next one after the last address previously displayed. The default count is 1. The default format is the same as was used in the previous examine command, or X if this is the first command given.

The syntax for the examine command is:

examine [address] [/ [count] [format]]

To display the contents of memory from address1 through address2 inclusive in format format:

examine address1, address2 [/ [format]]

To display the address, instead of the contents of the address in the given format:

examine address = [format]

To print the value stored at the next address after the one last displayed by examine:

examine +/ i

To print the value of an expression, provide the expression as an address.

examine address=format
examine address=

Using Addresses

The address is any expression resulting in or usable as an address. The address can be replaced with a + (plus sign), which displays the contents of the next address in the default format.

The following examples are valid addresses:

An absolute address
Address of a function
Offset from a function address
Address of a variable
A pointer-value variable pointing to a string

Symbolic addresses used to display memory are specified by preceding a name with an ampersand (&). Function names can be used without the ampersand; &main is equal to main. Registers are denoted by preceding a name with a dollar sign ($).

Using Formats

The format is the address display format in which dbx displays the results of a query. The output produced depends on the current display format. To change the display format, supply a different format code.

The default format set at the start of each dbx session is X, which displays an address or value as a 32-bit word in hexadecimal. The following memory display formats are legal:

Display as an assembly instruction
Display as 16 bits (2 bytes) in decimal
Display as 32 bits (4 bytes) in decimal
Display as 16 bits (2 bytes) in octal
Display as 32 bits (4 bytes) in octal
Display as 16 bits (2 bytes) in hexadecimal
Display as 32 bits (4 bytes) in hexadecimal (default format)
Display as a byte in octal
Display as a character
Display as a decimal (1 byte).
Display as a wide character
Display as a string of characters terminated by a null byte
Display as a wide character string
Display as a single-precision floating-point number
F, g
Display as a double-precision floating-point number
Display as an extended-precision floating-point number
ld, lD
Display 32 bits (4 bytes) in decimal (same as D)
lo, lO
Display 32 bits (4 bytes) in octal (same as O)
lx, LX
Display 32 bits (4 bytes) in hexadecimal (same as X)
Ld, LD
Display 64 bits (8 bytes) in decimal
Lo, LO
Display 64 bits (8 bytes) in octal
Lx, LX
Display 64 bits (8 bytes) in hexadecimal

Using Count

The count is a repetition count in decimal. The increment size depends on the memory display format.

Examples of Using an Address

The following examples show how to use an address with and format options to display five successive disassembled instructions starting from the current stopping point.

For SPARC based systems:

(dbx) stepi
stopped in main at 0x108bc
0x000108bc: main+0x000c: st    %l0, [%fp - 0x14]
(dbx) x 0x108bc/5i
0x000108bc: main+0x000c: st    %l0, [%fp - 0x14]
0x000108c0: main+0x0010: mov   0x1,%l0
0x000108c4: main+0x0014: or    %l0,%g0, %o0
0x000108c8: main+0x0018: call  0x00020b90 [unresolved PLT 8: malloc]
0x000108cc: main+0x001c: nop

For x86 based systems:

(dbx) x &main/5i
0x08048988: main       :  pushl  %ebp
0x08048989: main+0x0001:  movl   %esp,%ebp
0x0804898b: main+0x0003:  subl   $0x28,%esp
0x0804898e: main+0x0006:  movl   0x8048ac0,%eax
0x08048993: main+0x000b:  movl   %eax,-8(%ebp)

Using the dis Command

The dis command is equivalent to the examine command with i as the default display format.

The syntax for the dis command is:

dis [<address>] [/<count>] | <address1>, <address1>

    The dis command operates as follows:

  • Without arguments displays 10 instructions starting at address

  • With the address argument only, disassembles 10 instructions starting at address

  • With the address argument and a count, disassembles count instructions starting at address

  • With the address1 and address2 arguments, disassembles instructions from address1 through address2

  • With only a count, displays count instructions starting at +

  • With the option –a, disassembles entire function or, when used without parameters, disassembles remains of current visiting function

Using the listi Command

To display source lines with their corresponding assembly instructions, use the listi command, which is equivalent to the command list -i. See the discussion of list -i in Printing a Source Listing.

SPARC based systems example:

(dbx) listi 13, 14
   13       i = atoi(argv[1]);
0x0001083c: main+0x0014:  ld      [%fp + 0x48], %l0
0x00010840: main+0x0018:  add     %l0, 0x4, %l0
0x00010844: main+0x001c:  ld      [%l0], %l0
0x00010848: main+0x0020:  or      %l0, %g0, %o0
0x0001084c: main+0x0024:  call    0x000209e8 [unresolved PLT 7: atoi]
0x00010850: main+0x0028:  nop
0x00010854: main+0x002c:  or      %o0, %g0, %l0
0x00010858: main+0x0030:  st      %l0, [%fp - 0x8]
   14       j = foo(i);
0x0001085c: main+0x0034:  ld      [%fp - 0x8], %l0
0x00010860: main+0x0038:  or      %l0, %g0, %o0
0x00010864: main+0x003c:  call    foo
0x00010868: main+0x0040:  nop
0x0001086c: main+0x0044:  or      %o0, %g0, %l0
0x00010870: main+0x0048:  st      %l0, [%fp - 0xc]

x86 based systems example:

(dbx) listi 13, 14
   13       i = atoi(argv[1]);
0x080488fd: main+0x000d:  movl   12(%ebp),%eax
0x08048900: main+0x0010:  movl   4(%eax),%eax
0x08048903: main+0x0013:  pushl  %eax
0x08048904: main+0x0014:  call   atoi <0x8048798>
0x08048909: main+0x0019:  addl   $4,%esp
0x0804890c: main+0x001c:  movl   %eax,-8(%ebp)
   14       j = foo(i);
0x0804890f: main+0x001f:  movl   -8(%ebp),%eax
0x08048912: main+0x0022:  pushl  %eax
0x08048913: main+0x0023:  call   foo <0x80488c0>
0x08048918: main+0x0028:  addl   $4,%esp
0x0804891b: main+0x002b:  movl   %eax,-12(%ebp)