Oracle® Solaris Studio 12.4: Numerical Computation Guide

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Updated: January 2015

3.1.2 Vector Math Library

The library libmvec provides routines that evaluate common mathematical functions for an entire vector of arguments. An application might invoke the routines in libmvec explicitly, or the compiler might invoke these routines when the –xvector flag is used.

libmvec is implemented as a primary shared object,, and several auxiliary shared objects that provide alternate versions of some or all of the vector functions. When a program linked with libmvec is run, the runtime linker automatically selects the version that offers the best performance on the host platform. For this reason, a program that uses the functions in libmvec might deliver slightly different results when run on different systems.

Table 3–2 lists the functions in libmvec.

Table 3-2  Contents of libmvec
Function Name
Algebraic functions
vhypot_, vhypotf_, vrhypot_, vrhypotf_, vrsqrt_, vrsqrtf_, vsqrt_, vsqrtf_
Exponential and related functions
vexp_, vexpf_, vlog_, vlogf_, vpow_, vpowf_
Trigonometric functions
vatan_, vatanf_, vatan2_, vatan2f_, vcos_, vcosf_, vsin_, vsinf_, vsincos_, vsincosf_
Complex functions
vc_abs_, vc_exp_, vc_log_, vc_pow_, vz_abs_, vz_exp_, vz_log_, vz_pow_