Oracle® Solaris Studio 12.4: Performance Analyzer

Exit Print View

Updated: January 2015

Formats Settings

The Formats settings enable you to specify miscellaneous data view formatting.

Function Name Style

Specify whether you want function names to be displayed in long form, short form, or mangled form of C++ function names and Java method names.

Append SO name to Function name

Select the checkbox to append to a function or method name the name of the shared object in which the function or method is located.

View Mode

Set the initial value for the view mode toolbar setting, which is enabled only for Java experiments and OpenMP experiments. The view modes User, Expert, and Machine set the default mode for viewing experiments. You can switch the current view using the view mode list in the toolbar.

    For Java experiments:

  • User mode shows metrics for interpreted methods and any native methods called. The special function <no Java call stack recorded > indicates that the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) software did not report a Java call stack, even though a Java program was running.

  • Expert mode shows metrics for interpreted methods and any native methods called, and additionally lists methods that were dynamically compiled by the JVM.

  • Machine mode shows multiple JVM compilations as completely independent functions, although the functions will have the same name. In this mode, all functions from the JVM software are shown as such.

See Java Profiling View Modes for more detailed descriptions of the view modes for Java experiments.

    For OpenMP experiments:

  • User mode shows reconstructed call stacks similar to those obtained when the program is compiled without OpenMP. Special functions with names of the form <OMP-*> are shown when the OpenMP runtime is performing certain operations.

  • Expert mode shows compiler-generated functions representing parallelized loops, tasks, and so on, which are aggregated with user functions in User mode. Special functions with names of the form <OMP-*> are shown when the OpenMP runtime is performing certain operations.

  • Machine mode shows machine call stacks for all threads without any special <OMP-*> functions.

See Overview of OpenMP Software Execution for more detailed descriptions of the view modes for OpenMP experiments.

For all other experiments, all three modes show the same data.

Comparison Style

Specify how you want to display data when comparing experiments. For example, a comparison experiment metric might display as x0.994 to indicate its value relative to the base experiment.

Absolute Values

Shows the metrics values for all loaded experiments.


Shows the +/- difference between metrics for the baseline experiment and the other loaded experiments.


shows the difference between metrics for the baseline experiment and the other loaded experiments as a ratio.