Oracle Message Broker Adminstration Guide

Part Number A65435-01




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$OMB_HOME/logs, 10-1


acknowledgment mode
AdminDirCheck, 4-64
administration scripts.
administrative objects, 3-4
using sample scripts, 2-2
command line syntax, 4-45
comments, 4-46
echo mode, 4-46
error reporting, 4-48
evaluation rules, 4-47
LDAP Directory, 4-46
named variables, 4-46
object binding, 4-46
quotation, 4-45
AdminUtil Commands
activate, 4-49
attrl, 4-49
builddn, 4-49
cd, 4-49
create, 4-50
createombinstance, 4-50
deactivate, 4-50
delete, 4-51
dir, 4-51
exit, 4-51
help, 4-51
lookup, 4-51
pwd, 4-51
quit, 4-52
set, 4-52
setattr, 4-53
setopt, 4-53
show, 4-54
All, 2-12
API, C++, 9-1
application information, in attributes, 4-6
AQ admin schema, 7-10
AQ schemas, 7-10
AQ user identities, 7-10
AQ user schema, 7-10
application data, 4-6
conceptual discussion, 4-2
mandatory, 4-6
multiple-valued, 4-6
optional, 4-6
single-valued, 4-6
stored in schema, 4-7
types, 4-5
values, 4-5


body, JMS, 5-2
browsing messages, 5-5


C++ API, 9-1
limitations, 9-2
sample application, 9-4
cleanup, 9-7
general declarations, 9-4
initialization, 9-5
receiving messages (receiver specific), 9-6
sending messages (sender specific), 9-6
system requirements, 9-1
vs. Java API, 9-2
C and C++, 6-13
client-side, 6-11
indicating with properties, 6-16
Java, 6-12
parameters, 6-13
using in a message consumer, 6-15
using in a message producer, 6-13
client interface
PL/SQL, 5-7
client programming, JMS, 3-4
client-side callouts, 6-11
connections, 3-18
JMS objects, 3-18
sessions, 3-18
cn, 4-3
command line tools, 1-9
AdminDirCheck command, 4-64
AdminUtil command, 4-41
InitDir command, 12-7
LDAPSchema command, 12-7
Migrate10To20 command, 4-68
MsgBroker, 2-6, 2-10
ombadmin command, 11-2
shutdown MsgBroker, 2-10
startup MsgBroker, 2-6
stop MsgBroker, 2-10
common name, 4-3
configuration options
AQ driver, 4-20
AQ Lite server, 4-16
AQ server, 4-15
connection factory, 4-27, 4-35
Mcast driver, 4-25
Mcast server, 4-17
message broker entry, 4-18
MQSeries driver, 4-24
MQSeries server, 4-16
propagation jobs, 4-33, 4-34, 4-35
queue, 4-28
Rv driver, 4-26, 4-27
Rv server, 4-17
TIBCO driver, 4-26, 4-27
TIBCO server, 4-17
topic, 4-31
Volatile driver, 4-22
connection factories, 5-9
connection factory
accessing with JNDI, 3-5, 3-7
connection_factory_instance.close() method, 3-12, 3-17, 5-10
connection.close method, 3-18
consumer, messages, 5-3
conventions, xvii
createAQQueue method, 13-7
createAQTopic method, 13-7
createMQQueue method, 13-7
createQueue method, 6-11
createTopic method, 6-11
createVolatileTopic method, 13-7
creating destinations, 6-10


death detection
leaked resources, 3-19
defining destination strings, 6-11
delaying messages, 5-2
destination strings, defining, 6-11
destinations, creating, 6-10
Directory Access Protocol (DAP), 4-2
directory entries.
Directory Information Tree (DIT), 4-3
directory schema, 4-7
displaying runtime metrics, 6-3
distinguished names, 4-2, 4-3
components of, 4-4
format, 4-4
Dynamic Monitoring System, 6-3
domain conversion, 8-4
driver configuration scripts, 2-4
configuration, 7-2
IBM MQSeries driver, 7-18
Oracle Advanced Queuing driver, 7-3
Oracle AQ Lite driver, 7-15
Oracle Multicast Driver, 7-22
TIB/Rendezvous driver, 7-26
durable subscribers
creating, 5-6
deleting, 5-6
exceptions, 5-6
Dynamic Monitoring Service.


conceptual discussion, 4-3
distinguished names of, 4-3
group, 4-6
locating, 4-4
naming, 4-3
error handling
propagation manager, 8-27
version level, 5-16


filtering messages, 5-3
of distinguished names, 4-4


garbage collection, 4-19
getJdbcConnection method, 6-32
getLocalAQConnectionFactory method, 13-9
getLocalConnectionFactory method, 13-9
getRemoteConnectionFactory method, 13-6
group entries, 4-6


header, JMS, 5-2


IBM MQSeries driver, 7-18
LDAP approval
message redelivery, 3-18
RuntimeException, 3-18
Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF).


Java Message Service.
JDBC connection
getting, 6-32
JMS, 1-2
client programming, 3-4
extensions, 6-1
receive method, 6-17
message properties, 5-2
messages, 5-2
programming, 3-1, 5-1
accessing objects in the directory, 3-4
PTP messaging, 3-8
Publish/Subscribe messaging, 3-13
propagation manager, 8-1
sample programs, 2-12
JMS_Oracle_Delay property, 5-2
JMS_to_XML method, 6-3
JMSCorrelationID, 5-3
JMSCorrelationID header, 7-19
JMSDeliveryMode, 5-3
JMSDeliveryMode header, 7-19
JMSExpiration header, 7-19
JMSMessageID, 5-3
JMSMessageID header, 7-19
JMSPriority, 5-3
JMSPriority header, 7-19
JMSReplyTo header, 7-20
JMSTimeStamp, 5-3
JMSType header, 7-19
JMSType header field, 6-13
job entry configuration, propagation, 8-16
JVM memory management, 4-19
JVM version level, 5-16


IETF approval
LDAP directory
accessing objects, 3-4
LDAPSchema, 12-7
leaked resources
death detection, 3-19
leaked connection, 3-19
leaked session, 3-19
lightweight configuration
and configuration changes, 13-3
benefits of, 13-2
configuration values, 13-11
starting in local mode, 13-4
starting in remote mode, 13-4
using, 13-3, 13-5
example, 5-11
local attribute, 5-9
Local Mode
getJdbcConnection method, 6-32
local mode, 5-8, 5-14
exit, 5-10
directory entries, 4-4
log file, 10-1
security exceptions, 10-3


mandatory attributes, 4-6
matching rules
stored in schema, 4-7
memory exceptions, 4-19
memory management, 4-19
MercuryConnection, 6-16
MercuryQueue method, 13-8
MercurySession, 6-16
getJdbcConnection method, 6-32
MercurySession.IMMEDIATE_ACKNOWLEDGE mode, 3-10, 3-15
MercuryTopic method, 13-8
message listeners, 3-17
message properties, 5-2
message selectors, 5-3
receive method, 6-17
consumers, 5-3
filtering, 5-3
previewing, 5-5
sending and receiving, 3-11
translation, 6-2
metadata, stored in schema, 4-7
metrics, displaying, 6-3
Migrate10To20, 4-68
OMB10DATA.ldif file, 4-68
monitoring metrics, 6-3
MQSeries, 1-4
register command, 2-12
starting as an NT service, 2-12
unregister command, 2-12
MsgBroker command, 2-6
entry and distinguished names, 2-9
environment variables, 2-10
-ping option, 2-7
security options, 2-8, 2-10
status checking, 2-7
MsgBroker entry
local attribute, 5-9
multiple-valued attributes, 4-6


naming directory entries, 4-2, 4-3
non-local mode
exit, 3-12, 3-17
NT service, 2-12


object classes
definition of, 4-6
stored in schema, 4-7
OMB attributes
aclentry, 12-30
activation_state, 4-35
aq_adt, 4-28, 4-31
aq_password, 4-15
aq_rules, 4-28, 4-31
aq_schema, 4-28, 4-31
aq_service_name, 4-15
aq_username, 4-16
aqlite_address, 4-36
aqlite_database_name, 4-16
aqlite_message_grouping, 4-28, 4-31
aqlite_owner, 4-28, 4-31
aqlite_passwd, 4-16
aqlite_protocol, 4-36
aqlite_rule, 4-36
aqlite_storage_clause, 4-28, 4-31
authentication, 4-37
cf, 4-36, 4-37
client_id, 4-27, 4-36
component, 4-36, 4-37
concurrency, 4-36
connection_type, 4-17
create_provider_q, 4-29, 4-31
create_timestamp, 4-35
daemon, 4-26
description, 12-29
dest, 4-37
driver_type, 4-27
enabled, 4-37
http_host, 4-27
http_path, 4-27
http_port, 4-27
http_ssl_level, 4-27
internal, 4-14
ip, 4-17
is_managed, 4-29, 4-32
is_native, 4-29, 4-32
is_queriable, 4-29, 4-32
jms_user, 4-36
local, 4-18
max_concurrent_reqs, 4-18
max_memory, 4-18
max_messages, 4-29, 4-32
AQ driver, 4-21
AQLite driver, 4-22
MQSeries driver, 4-24
Multicast driver, 4-25
TIBCO driver, 4-26
Volatile driver, 4-23
AQ driver, 4-21
AQLite driver, 4-22
MQSeries driver, 4-24
Multicast driver, 4-25
TIBCO driver, 4-26
Volatile driver, 4-23
msg_selector, 4-36
network, 4-25, 4-26
password, 4-37
port, 4-17
priority, 4-28
prop_recv_log_queue, 4-15, 4-16, 4-17
prop_send_log_queue, 4-16, 4-17
propagation_http_handlers, 4-19
propagation_msg_selector, 4-35
propagation_password, 4-35
AQ driver, 4-21
MQSeries driver, 4-24
Multicast driver, 4-25
TIBCO driver, 4-26
Volatile driver, 4-23
propagation_recv_threads, 4-19
AQ Driver, 4-21
MQSeries driver, 4-24
Multicast driver, 4-25
TIBCO driver, 4-26
Volatile driver, 4-23
propagation_send_threads, 4-19
propagation_source, 4-35
propagation_target, 4-35
propagation_timeout, 4-35
propagation_username, 4-35
provider_dns, 4-28
provider_q_created, 4-29, 4-32
provider_queue_name, 4-29, 4-32
proxy_host, 4-34
proxy_port, 4-34
AQ driver, 4-21
AQLite driver, 4-22
MQSeries driver, 4-24
Multicast driver, 4-25
TIBCO driver, 4-26
Volatile driver, 4-23
AQ driver, 4-21
AQLite driver, 4-22
MQSeries driver, 4-24
Multicast driver, 4-25
TIBCO driver, 4-26
Volatile driver, 4-23
queue_mgr, 4-17
remote_directory_host, 4-33
remote_directory_password, 4-33
remote_directory_port, 4-33
remote_directory_username, 4-33
remote_dn, 4-35
remote_http_host, 4-34
remote_http_path, 4-34
remote_http_port, 4-34
remote_http_ssl_level, 4-34
remote_wallet_location, 4-34
remote_wallet_password, 4-34
retries, 4-37
rm_provider_q, 4-30, 4-32
selector, 4-37
server_dn, 4-30, 4-32
AQ driver, 4-21
AQ Lite driver, 4-22
MQSeries driver, 4-24
Multicast driver, 4-25
TIBCO driver, 4-26
service, 4-17
subscription, 4-38
surname, 12-29
thin_jdbc, 4-21
thin_jdbc_conn_string, 4-22
threshold, 4-37, 4-38
topic_dn, 4-36
transaction_timeout, 4-28
use_jdbc, 4-22
username, 4-38
valid_status, 4-35
xml, 4-14
OMB Instance, 1-5, 2-3, 4-8
OMB_EF environment variable, 2-12
OMB_IC environment variable, 2-12
OMB_LP environment variable, 2-12
OMB_OF environment variable, 2-12
OMB10DATA.ldif file, 4-68
ombadmin command, 11-2
ombaqpublic.sql package, 5-7
optional attributes, 4-6
Oracle, 1-4, 1-5
Oracle Advanced Queuing driver, 7-3
Oracle AQ Lite driver, 7-15
Oracle Message Broker, 5-8, 5-14
C++ API, 9-1
components, 1-3
administration utilities, 1-5
client programming interface, 1-6
drivers and message servers, 1-4
LDAP Directory, 1-5
Oracle Message Broker Core, 1-4
configuring, 4-15
Drivers, 7-1
features, 1-7
universal sessions, 3-10
instance, 4-8
example, 5-11
local mode, 5-8, 5-14
log file, 10-1
propagation, 8-1
starting, 2-6
version level, 5-16
Oracle Multicast Driver, 7-22
local mode, 5-8
oracle.oas.mercury.anyjvm system property, 5-16
oracle.oas.mercury.callout.consumer, 6-16
oracle.oas.mercury.callout.producer, 6-16
oracle.oas.mercury.dmsaq property, 6-10
oracle.oas.mercury.dmsaqInterval property, 6-10
oracle.oas.mercury.MercuryXML class, 6-2, 6-3
oracle.oas.mercury.sec.cache.expiration property, 12-31
oracle.oas.mercury.sec.trace property, 10-3


password, 12-29
pausing messages, 5-2
PL/SQL client package
AQ Driver, 5-7
overview, 1-6
using, 5-7
Point-to-Point messaging.
previewing messages, 5-5
programming, JMS, 5-1
propagation configuration script, 2-5
propagation manager, 8-1
administration and configuration, 8-9
domain conversion, 8-4
error handling, 8-27
job entry configuration, 8-16
recovery, 8-27
propagation_http_handlers attribute, 4-19
JMS_Oracle_Delay, 5-2
properties, JMS, 5-2
oracle.oas.mercury.sec.trace, 10-3
PTP messaging, 3-4
accessing objects, 3-5
connection factory
accessing with JNDI, 3-5
JMS programming, 3-8
messages, sending and receiving, 3-11
queue connection, 3-9
queue destinations, 3-11
queue session, 3-10
accessing with JNDI, 3-6
publishing and subscribing, 3-16
Publish/Subscribe messaging, 3-5
accessing objects, 3-7
connection factory
accessing with JNDI, 3-7
JMS programming, 3-13
accessing with JNDI, 3-8


using, 5-5
QueueConnection, 6-16
QueueReceiver, 3-11
QueueReceiver message consumer, 6-15
limitations, 5-4
accessing with JNDI, 3-6
connections, 3-9
destinations, 3-11
QueueReceiver, 3-11
QueueSender, 3-11
sessions, 3-10
QueueSender, 3-11
QueueSender message producer, 6-13
QueueSession, 6-16


receive method
message ID, 6-17
XML messages, 6-2
receiving broker, 8-2
propagation manager, 8-27
Register command, 2-12
registering MsgBroker as an NT service, 2-12
related documents, xvii
Relative Distinguished Names (RDNs), 4-4
remote mode, 5-8, 5-14
exit, 13-10
runtime metrics, displaying, 6-3


sample administration scripts, 2-2
sample programs, 2-12
schema, 4-7
definitions in subSchemaSubentry, 4-7
driver configuration, 2-4
SetupAQ, 2-4
SetupProp, 2-5
instance configuration, 2-3
SetupMcast, 2-3
SetupMQSeries, 2-3
SetupOMB, 2-3
SetupRv, 2-3
SetupVol, 2-3
overview of, 2-2
propagation configuration, 2-5
security, 12-11
authentication, 12-6
Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), 12-3
XML messages, 6-2
session.close method, 3-18
setCallout method, 6-14, 6-15
shows, 6-10
shutdown(), 3-12, 3-17
shutdownClient method, 13-8
shutdownClient() method, 3-12, 3-17, 13-10
single-valued attributes, 4-6
starting the broker as an NT service, 2-12
statistics, 6-3
stopping in local mode
local mode
stopping, 5-10
stopping in non-local mode
non-local mode
stopping, 3-12, 3-17
stopping in remote mode
remote mode
stopping, 13-10
subentries, 4-7
adding object classes to, 4-7
holding schema definitions, 4-7
modifying, 4-7
subscribing, publishing and, 3-16
stored in schema, 4-7


threads and message listeners, 3-17
TIBCO, 1-5
TIBCO Driver
local mode, 5-8
TIB/Rendezvous driver, 7-26
TopicConnection, 6-16
TopicPublisher, 3-15
TopicPublisher message producer, 6-13
accessing with JNDI, 3-8
connection, 3-14
destinations, 3-15
session, 3-15
TopicPublisher, 3-15
TopicSubscriber, 3-15
TopicSession, 6-16
TopicSubscriber, 3-16
TopicSubscriber message consumer, 6-15
tracing security exceptions, 10-3
JDBC connections and, 6-32
translation, messages, 6-2
of attributes, 4-5


universal connection, 6-16
universal session, 6-16
universal sessions, 3-10
Unregister command, 2-12
unregistering MsgBroker, 2-12
AdminDirCheck, 1-9
AdminUtil, 1-9


version level, 5-16


X.500, 4-2
XML messages, 6-2
receiving, 6-2
sending, 6-2
XML_to_JMS method, 6-2

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