Oracle Internet Directory Application Developer's Guide
Release 2.1.1

Part Number A86082-01





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Oracle Internet Directory Application Developer's Guide provides information for enabling applications to access Oracle Internet Directory by using the C API and the PL/SQL API.


Oracle Internet Directory Application Developer's Guide is for application developers who wish to enable applications to store and update directory information in an Oracle Internet Directory server. It is also intended for anyone who wants to know how the Oracle Internet Directory C API and PL/SQL API work.


Chapter 1, "Introduction" 

Briefly describes the intended audience and components of Oracle Internet Directory Software Developer's Kit Release 2.1.1. It also lists the other components of Oracle Internet Directory and the platforms it supports. 

Chapter 2, "C API" 

Introduces the Oracle Internet Directory C API and provides examples of how to use it 

Chapter 3, "PL/SQL API" 

Introduces the PL/SQL API contained in a PL/SQL package called DBMS_LDAP. It also contains examples of how to use it.  

Chapter 4, "Command Line Tools Syntax" 

Provides syntax, usage notes, and examples for using LDAP Data Interchange Format (LDIF) and LDAP command line tools 

Related Documentation

Oracle Internet Directory Administrator's Guide.

Oracle8i documentation set

Chadwick, David. Understanding X.500 The Directory. Thomson Computer Press, 1996. This book is now out of print, but is available online at:

Hodges, Jeff, Staff Scientist, Oblix, Inc.,

Howes, Tim and Mark Smith. LDAP: Programming Directory-enabled Applications with Lightweight Directory Access Protocol. Macmillan Technical Publishing, 1997.

Howes, Tim, Mark Smith and Gordon Good, Understanding and Deploying LDAP Directory Services. Macmillan Technical Publishing, 1999.

Kosiur, Dave, LDAP: "The next-generation directory?," SunWorld Online, October 1997.

Radicati, Sara, X.500 Directory Services, Technology and Deployment, International Thomson Computer Press, 1994.

University of Michigan LDAP Repository,


The following conventions are used in this manual:


Vertical ellipsis points in an example mean that information not directly related to the example has been omitted. 

. . .  

Horizontal ellipsis points in statements or commands mean that parts of the statement or command have been omitted. 


Boldface text indicates text you must type in a command, or a subheading. 


Italics indicate:

  • In a code example, a variable for which you must supply a value

  • In regular text, special emphasis

  • Book titles



Courier is used for user input and code examples. 


This typeface is used for syntax explanations in code examples. 

< >  

In code examples, angle brackets may enclose user-supplied names. 

[ ]  

Brackets enclose a choice of optional items from which you can choose one or none. 

{ } 

Braces enclose a choice of required items from which you can choose one. 

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