Jobs Pane

Every action creates a job. The Jobs pane at the bottom of the user interface displays a count of all jobs according to the status of each job. To see the status type, hover the mouse over the Job icon. Some jobs have many steps. To view the progress of a job, select a job, and then click the View Job Details icon.

To view more information about a job, double-click a job. Click the right-arrow of Job Details to view a summarized information about Job ID, Job Name, Job Type, Mode, Failure Policy, Job Owner, and so on. You can view the Target Overall Status, Last Known Progress, and the Target Name. Double-click the target to view all the associated tasks for that job. It displays Task Name, Target of The Task, Result, and the Elapsed Time. The status of the task is displayed as an icon. Double-click the task to view the task properties, and the event logs. Exalogic Control BUI lets you export the logs of a job or a selected task target log in text format. Click the Refresh symbol at a desired point of time to refresh the user interface.

At any point, you can stop a running job, delete a job, copy a job, answer questions for a job that needs user input, or debug a job using the OCDoctor.

Some actions creates the job immediately but, in many cases, you must provide more information to specify the job. These actions start a wizard to guide you through creating a job. The last page of the wizard displays a summary of your specifications before you submit a job.

Exalogic Control BUI displays all types of jobs together. You can filter the jobs in various categories and view them. You can view the Jobs In Progress, Jobs awaiting for User Input, Failed Jobs, Partially Successful Jobs, Stopped Jobs, Scheduled Jobs, and the Successful Jobs.

The job details also includes the job Status, Job ID, Job Type, Job Name, Mode, Owner, Elapsed Time, and Start/Scheduled Date. Exalogic Control BUI also provides a search facility for jobs on these details. The search functionality lets you view result as per your search criteria. You can click the Refresh icon, to view the latest information for jobs.

The Jobs pane, when collapsed, displays the Status Icons, the Count for All Jobs, Jobs In Progress, Jobs Waiting For User Input, Jobs failed, Jobs Partially Successful, Jobs Stopped, Jobs Scheduled, and Jobs Successful.